Quai 8.2 opening
The Quai 8 real estate complex.2 was inaugurated this Tuesday by Olivier Estève, CEO of Covivio, Olivier WIGNIOLLE, CEO of Icade, Olivier de la Roussière, Chairman of VINCI Immobilier in the presence of Elizabeth Touton, President Bordeaux Euratlantique, Metropolitan Councillor of Bordeaux Métropole, Nicolas FLORIAN, Mayor of the city and all the architects of the operation: Ateliers 2/3/4/ – REICHEN ET ROBERT Associés and MCVD ARCHITECTES. – 1st block delivered of the Zac St-Jean Belcier (near the high-speed train station): Quai 8.2 is an emblematic operation for Bordeaux Metropole: a 43,000 m² mixed programme with a single project owner, involving 3 lots and 3 architects. – Delivery of the Îlot BC in Bordeaux for hashtag#ateliers234, designed in BIM, it develops 20,000 sq.m of office space around a planted heart open to the city with shops and an RIE on the ground floor. (The offices are occupied in particular by Orange, Allianz Partners Agence Erasmus+ France / Education & Training… ) A strong environmental approach, quality of use, crossed views, contrasts and tensions, permeability of the island, open interiority are the themes developed on this project. A first open door to the urban mutation of this district!