
François Roux re-elected head of afex

The association French Architects at the EXport (afex) has renewed its authorities for the next two years at its general assembly of January 30, 2020. Francois Roux, associate architect at Ateliers 2/3/4/ continues his mandate as president.On the programme for the next six months:

– Organization of the presence of French architects at MIPIM on the stand of the Ministry of Culture;

– Next AFEX 2020 Grand Prix for French architecture in the world (buildings delivered outside France between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2019) which will be proclaimed in Venice at the opening of the International Architecture Biennial and exhibited next October during the National Architecture Days at the Royal Palace;

– Mission in Indonesia with Business France to propose a French offer in the context of the relocation of the capital ;

– Renewal of the reception of Indian urban planning trainees and organization of a symposium in India in the autumn ;

– Participation in the France-Africa summit in Bordeaux ;as well as the usual actions of AFEX, including its mission as a one-stop shop for exports, or to raise awareness of young people and ENSA students to these issues.