Sophie Calle and Ateliers 2/3/4/ work in tandem for the Grand Paris Express
| Artists work in tandem with architects for the Grand Paris Express |
Monday 11 September, Gare de Châtillon – Montrouge, Interconnexions créatives.
12 new works designed in tandem by artists and architects were unveiled on the site of this future station of the #nouveaumétro, in the presence of Etienne LENGEREAU, mayor of Montrouge, nadege azzaz, mayor of Châtillon, and for the Société du Grand Paris, Nicolas SAMSOEN, Chairman of the Strategic Committee and Mayor of Massy, Jean-Francois MONTEILS, Chairman of the Management Board, Pierre-Emmanuel Becherand, Director of Architecture and Culture, and José-Manuel Gonçalvès, Artistic Director of #GrandParisExpress.
These include the Massy Opéra station, on the future #Ligne18, designed by Ateliers 2/3/4/, for which Eric Puzenat, Associate Architect, collaborated with Sophie Calle. For this project, the artist has chosen to slide into six alcoves along the platforms, relics of the past, vanished objects linked to the world of the metro (punching machine, telephone booth, bench…), like so many memories revealed, accompanied by a “real fake” cartel produced by the archeologist and prehistorian Jean-Paul Demoule, who has become an archaeologist of the future for the occasion.
These works are part of the art commission programme launched in 2015 by #SociétéduGrandParis. The aim is to “mark out the journey of passengers with works, installations and artistic landmarks in each station to create a cultural and tourist offer available to all”, as the company states.
This unique collection of public art will bring together a total of 70 works, the first of which will be inaugurated in less than a year’s time.
Metro, office, culture. You’ll never travel the same way again! #CultureNewMétro
Follow us as we look forward to a busy autumn of announcements and projects.
Project owner: Société du Grand Paris
Artist: Sophie Calle
Assistant project manager for Line 18: #Link18 (BG Mandataire, Transamo, GESTE Engineering, Algoé)
Project manager for Line 18: Icare Groupement (Ingérop Mandataire, Artelia, Arcadis, Ateliers 2/3/4/, Richez_Associés, JFS Architectes, Corinne Vezzoni et Associés, Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes)
Project management for Antonypole and Massy Opéra stations: Ateliers 2/3/4/ and Ingérop
Team #Ateliers234: Eric Puzenat, Associate Architect
with Adèle Guittet, Mélania Sansonetti
Infrastructure Division Project Director: Helene Arligui
Not forgetting Marion BUSSON and Claire Albertini
104ingenierie . Agency Eva Albarran & Co . Manifesto
Credits: Catalogue Tandems Artistes et Architectes 2023 ©SGP – Ateliers 2/3/4/ ; ©SGP – ADAGP Paris – Sophie Calle – Sophie Calle ©Sophie Calle – Eric Puzenat – Ateliers 2/3/4/
#Culturepourtous #ArtContemporain #MetroCirculaire #Ateliers234 #Icare