

Within a strong articulation between architecture and the urban dimension, Ateliers 2/3/4/ designs the city from the small scale and, in the clear definition of a private space, seeks its relationship with a more public space.


City center or outskirts, city composed in « continuous order » or « open order », each neighborhood should find its right density and contribute to the necessary intensification of human relationships. But to become positive and therefore acceptable, this density should be balanced with public spaces and gardens that link together; the medium for new mobility, vectors of social ties and the community at large, and its own representation.


Ateliers 2/3/4/ designs parts of the city that should have the « ability to » evolve, mutate, regenerate over time without the need for renewal or complete demolition. This comes about through a hierarchical mesh of road and public space network, through the distinct identification of public and private spaces, by a simple and potentially changing subdivision of development land.


Traces and heritage elements are integrated into the project due to their ability to forge an identity but also their ability to develop atypical programs, to shake up established, preconceived ideas.


Ateliers 2/3/4/ seeks to combine the legitimate expectation for « diversity » with that of an overall harmony where buildings interrelate and express « variations » on a theme. To invent a variety of situations (through access, transitions, relationship to public space, views, block interiors,…) rather than a profusion of architectures, materials, envelopes. The real value lies in the itineraries, light, the quality of layout and housing.