Since the dawn of humanity, the primary vocation of architecture is to master time by composing with the elements of nature.
The Ateliers 2/3/4/ founders were initiated to architecture in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis. This particular climate became conducive to their willingness to include construction within an accountable approach in order to confront social and environmental issues.
Each project is established in accordance with five criteria:
- to produce « sited » buildings that use the full potential of the site, the nearby and distant contexts, the color of the sky, the landscapes, the neighborhood character and the surrounding cityscape; the importance of privacy, orientation, access …
- to base projects on rigorous grids that facilitate their constructability;
- to define the structure in such a way as to ensure the flexibility and modularity required for future transformation, whilst structuring the building;
- to consider the building envelope as a skin that participates in the exchanges between the exterior and interior. A skin that outside defines the building form to take into account the durability of the structure and inside, conditions the visual and thermal comfort by the quality and quantity of diffused daylight to create pleasant places; and
- to develop « low tech » solutions that will not be undermined in time by the operations, maintenance and the end-users.
If all Ateliers 2/3/4/ projects comply with standard sustainable development practices, they attach more importance to user feedback rather than certification.